I´m addicted to those yellow, pink, blue, green notes. My desk is full of them but I haven´t yet beat one of my former colleagues whose computer screen looked like the fabulous back of a peacock.
Forbes.com had an article published in January ”Why Computers Can´t Kill Post-Its”. Pretty fun, ”Office workers are like electricity: When they want to get something done, they follow the path of least resistance” which is why ”the Post-it note continues to flourish on every surface of the contemporary office, despite all those expensive computers ready and willing to help”. According to a researcher on MIT.
All (the other) things you can do with these small quadratic pieces…
The Spectacular Sticky-Note Experiment
Draw it! Viral game with Post-it
It´s not (only) about your great skills in drawing you have to be a master in guessing. 3M launched a viral game Draw It, where you can challenge other players to guess what you are drawing on your Post-it note. Like Pictionary. The players have to come up with the answer in 30 seconds. Article in thedrum.co.uk
I can tell you for sure, it´s hard to write a Leopard on the screen with only your touchpad. My online competitors took wild guess on Camel, Horse, Cow (My year in Art school was no good for this game),…But, I beat them in the end!